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Scope: Meng Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: References "匪我求童蒙,童蒙求我" Matched:1.
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䷃蒙 - Meng

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《䷃蒙》 Library Resources
1 ䷃蒙:
Meng (indicates that in the case which it presupposes) there will be progress and success. I do not (go and) seek the youthful and inexperienced, but he comes and seeks me. When he shows (the sincerity that marks) the first recourse to divination, I instruct him. If he apply a second and third time, that is troublesome; and I do not instruct the troublesome. There will be advantage in being firm and correct.
Tuan Zhuan:
In Meng we have (the trigram for) a mountain, and below it that of a rugged defile with a stream in it. The conditions of peril and arrest of progress (suggested by these) give (the idea in) Meng. 'Meng indicates that there will be progress and success:' - for there is development at work in it, and its time of action is exactly what is right. 'I do not seek the youthful and inexperienced; he seeks me:' - so does will respond to will. 'When he shows (the sincerity that marks) the first recourse to divination, I instruct him:' - for possessing the qualities of the undivided line and being in the central place, (the subject of the second line thus speaks). 'A second and third application create annoyance, and I do not instruct so as to create annoyance:' - annoyance (he means) to the ignorant. (The method of dealing with) the young and ignorant is to nourish the correct (nature belonging to them); - this accomplishes the service of the sage.
Xiang Zhuan:
(The trigram representing) a mountain, and beneath it that for a spring issuing forth form Meng. The superior man, in accordance with this, strives to be resolute in his conduct and nourishes his virtue.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.