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《大车 - Da Che》

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《大车》 Library Resources
1 大车:
Da Che:
His great carriage rumbles along,
And his robes of rank glitter like the young sedge.
Do I not think of you?
But I am afraid of this officer, and dare not.

2 大车:
Da Che:
His great carriage moves heavily and slowly,
And his robes of rank glitter like a carnation-gem.
Do I not think of you?
But I am afraid of this officer, and do not rush to you.

3 大车:
Da Che:
While living, we may have to occupy different apartments;
But when dead, we shall share the same grave.
If you say that I am not sincere,
By the bright sun I swear that I am.

URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/da-che