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Scope: Huang Huang Zhe Hua Request type: Paragraph
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Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

《皇皇者華 - Huang Huang Zhe Hua》

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《皇皇者華》 Library Resources
1 皇皇者華:
Huang Huang Zhe Hua:
Brilliant are the flowers,
On those level heights and the low grounds.
Complete and alert is the messenger, with his suite,
Ever anxious lest he should not succeed.

2 皇皇者華:
Huang Huang Zhe Hua:
My horses are young;
The six reins look as if they were moistened.
I gallop them, and urge them on,
Everywhere pushing my inquiries.

3 皇皇者華:
Huang Huang Zhe Hua:
My horses are piebald;
The six reins are like silk.
I gallop them, and urge them on,
Everywhere seeking information and counsel.

4 皇皇者華:
Huang Huang Zhe Hua:
My horses are white and black-maned;
The six reins look glossy.
I gallop them, and urge them on,
Everywhere seeking information and advice.

5 皇皇者華:
Huang Huang Zhe Hua:
My horses are grey;
The six reins are well in hand.
I gallop them, and urge them on,
Everywhere seeking information and suggestions.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.