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Scope: Jing Jing Zhe E Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "菁菁者莪在彼中阿既見君子樂且有儀" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

《菁菁者莪 - Jing Jing Zhe E》

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《菁菁者莪》 Library Resources
1 菁菁者莪:
Jing Jing Zhe E:
Luxuriantly grows the aster-southernwood,
In the midst of that large mound.
Since we see our noble lord,
We rejoice, and he shows us all courtesy.

2 菁菁者莪:
Jing Jing Zhe E:
Luxuriantly grows the aster-southernwood,
In the midst of that islet.
Since we see our noble lord,
Our hearts are full of joy.

3 菁菁者莪:
Jing Jing Zhe E:
Luxuriantly grows the aster-southernwood,
In the midst of that great height.
We see our noble lord,
And he gives us a hundred sets of cowries.

4 菁菁者莪:
Jing Jing Zhe E:
It floats about, - the willow boat,
Now sinking, now rising again.
Since we see our noble lord,
Our hearts are at rest.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.