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Scope: Jiong Zhuo Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "酌彼行潦挹彼注茲" Matched:3.
Total 3 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

《泂酌 - Jiong Zhuo》

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《泂酌》 Library Resources
1 泂酌:
豈弟君子、民之父母 。
Jiong Zhuo:
Take the pool-water from a distance;
Draw it into one vessel and let it flow to another,
And it may be used to stream rice or millet.
[How much more should] the happy and courteous sovereign,
Be the parent of the people!

2 泂酌:
豈弟君子、民之攸歸 。
Jiong Zhuo:
Take the pool-water from a distance;
Draw it into one vessel and let it flow to another,
And it may be used to wash a [spirit] vase.
[How much more should] the happy and courteous sovereign,
Be the centre of attraction to the people!

3 泂酌:
豈弟君子、民之攸塈 。
Jiong Zhuo:
Take the pool-water from a distance;
Draw it into one vessel and let it flow to another,
And it may be used for all purpose of cleansing.
[How much more should] the happy and courteous sovereign,
Be the centre of rest to the people!

Total 3 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.