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Scope: Lu Ming Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "人之好我示我周行" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

《鹿鳴 - Lu Ming》

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《鹿鳴》 Library Resources
1 鹿鳴:
Lu Ming:
With pleased sounds the deer call to one another,
Eating the celery of the fields.
I have here admirable guests;
The lutes are struck, and the organ is blown [for them]; -
The organ is blown till its tongues are all moving.
The baskets of offerings [also] are presented to them.
The men love me,
And will show me the perfect path.

2 鹿鳴:
Lu Ming:
With pleased sounds the deer call to one another,
Eating the southernwood of the fields.
I have here admirable guests;
Whose virtuous fame is grandly brilliant.
They show the people not to be mean;
The officers have in them a pattern and model.
I have good wine,
Which my admirable guests drink, enjoying themselves.

3 鹿鳴:
Lu Ming:
With pleased sounds the deer call to one another,
Eating the salsola of the fields.
I have here admirable guests;
For whom are struck the lutes, large and small.
The lutes, large and small, are struck,
And our harmonious joy is long-continued.
I have good wine,
To feast and make glad the hearts of my admirable guests.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.