中國哲學書電子化計劃 |
《曹風》 | 英文翻譯:ç†é›…å„(James Legge)[?] | 提到《曹風》的書籍 電子圖書館 |
《蜉蝣 - Fu You》 | 英文翻譯:ç†é›…å„(James Legge)[?] | 電子圖書館 |
1 | 蜉蝣: |
蜉蝣之羽、衣裳楚楚。 心之憂矣、於我歸處。 |
Fu You: |
The wings of the ephemera, Are robes, bright and splendid. My heart is grieved; - Would they but come and abide with me! | |
2 | 蜉蝣: |
蜉蝣之翼、采采衣服。 心之憂矣、於我歸息。 |
Fu You: |
The wings of the ephemera, Are robes, variously adorned. My heart is grieved; - Would they but come and rest with me! | |
3 | 蜉蝣: |
蜉蝣掘閱、麻衣如雪。 心之憂矣、於我歸說。 |
Fu You: |
The ephemera bursts from its hole, With a robe of hemp like snow. My heart is grieved; - Would they but come and lodge with me! |
《候人 - Hou Ren》 | 英文翻譯:ç†é›…å„(James Legge)[?] | 提到《候人》的書籍 電子圖書館 |
1 | 候人: |
彼候人兮、何戈與祋。 彼其之子、三百赤芾。 |
Hou Ren: |
Those officers of escort, Have their carriers of lances and halberds. But these creatures, With their three hundred red covers for the knees! - | |
2 | 候人: |
維鵜在梁、不濡其翼。 彼其之子、不稱其服。 |
Hou Ren: |
The pelican is on the dam, And will not wet his wings! These creatures, Are not equal to their dress! | |
3 | 候人: |
維鵜在梁、不濡其咮。 彼其之子、不遂其媾。 |
Hou Ren: |
The pelican is on the dam, And will not wet his beak! These creatures, Do not respond to the favour they enjoy. | |
4 | 候人: |
薈兮蔚兮、南山朝隮。 婉兮孌兮、季女斯飢。 |
Hou Ren: |
Extensive and luxuriant is the vegetation, And up the south hill in the morning rise the vapours. Tender is she and lovely, But the young lady is suffering from hunger. |
《鳲鳩 - Shi Jiu》 | 英文翻譯:ç†é›…å„(James Legge)[?] | 提到《鳲鳩》的書籍 電子圖書館 |
1 | 鳲鳩: |
鳲鳩在桑、其子七兮。 淑人君子、其儀一兮。 其儀一兮、心如結兮。 |
Shi Jiu: |
The turtle dove is in the mulberry tree, And her young ones are seven. The virtuous man, the princely one, Is uniformly correct in his deportment. He is uniformly correct in his deportment, His heart is as if it were tied to what is correct. | |
2 | 鳲鳩: |
鳲鳩在桑、其子在梅。 淑人君子、其帶伊絲。 其帶伊絲、其弁伊騏。 |
Shi Jiu: |
The turtle dove is in the mulberry tree, And her young ones are in the plum tree. The virtuous man, the princely one, Has his girdle of silk. His girdle is of silk, And his cap is of spotted deer-skin. | |
3 | 鳲鳩: |
鳲鳩在桑、其子在棘。 淑人君子、其儀不忒。 其儀不忒、正是四國。 |
Shi Jiu: |
The turtle dove is in the mulberry tree, And her young ones are in the jujube tree. The virtuous man, the princely one, Has nothing wrong in his deportment. He has nothing wrong in his deportment, And thus he rectifies the four quarters of the State. | |
4 | 鳲鳩: |
鳲鳩在桑、其子在榛。 淑人君子、正是國人。 正是國人、胡不萬年。 |
Shi Jiu: |
The turtle dove is in the mulberry tree, And her young ones are in the hazel tree. The virtuous man, the princely one, Rectifies the people of the State. He rectifies the people of his State: May he continue for ten thousand years! |
《下泉 - Xia Quan》 | 英文翻譯:ç†é›…å„(James Legge)[?] | 電子圖書館 |
1 | 下泉: |
冽彼下泉、浸彼苞稂。 愾我寤嘆、念彼周京。 |
Xia Quan: |
Cold come the waters down from that spring, And overflow the bushy wolf's-tail grass, Ah me! I awake and sigh, Thinking of that capital of Zhou. | |
2 | 下泉: |
冽彼下泉、浸彼苞蕭。 愾我寤嘆、念彼京周。 |
Xia Quan: |
Cold come the waters down from that spring, And overflow the bushy southernwood, Ah me! I awake and sigh, Thinking of that capital of Zhou. | |
3 | 下泉: |
冽彼下泉、浸彼苞蓍。 愾無寤歎、念彼京師。 |
Xia Quan: |
Cold come the waters down from that spring, And overflow the bushy divining plants, Ah me! I awake and sigh, Thinking of that capital-city. | |
4 | 下泉: |
芃芃黍苗、陰雨膏之。 四國有王、郇伯勞之。 |
Xia Quan: |
Beautifully grew the fields of young millet, Enriched by fertilizing rains. The States had their sovereign, And there was the chief of Xun to reward their princes. |
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