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《丘中有麻 - Qiu Zhong You Ma》

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《丘中有麻》 Library Resources
1 丘中有麻:
Qiu Zhong You Ma:
On the mound where is the hemp,
Some one is detaining Zijie.
Some one is there detaining Zijie; -
Would that he would come jauntily [to me]!

2 丘中有麻:
Qiu Zhong You Ma:
On the mound where is the wheat,
Some one is detaining Ziguo.
Some one is there detaining Ziguo; -
Would that he would come and eat with me!

3 丘中有麻:
Qiu Zhong You Ma:
On the mound where are the plum trees,
Some one is detaining those youths.
Some one is there detaining those youths; -
They will give me Jiu-stones for my girdle.

URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/qiu-zhong-you-ma