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《汝墳 - Ru Fen》

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《汝墳》 Library Resources
1 汝墳:
Ru Fen:
Along those raised banks of the Ru,
I cut down the branches and slender stems.
While I could not see my lord,
I felt as it were pangs of great hunger.

2 汝墳:
Ru Fen:
Along those raised banks of the Ru,
I cut down the branches and fresh twigs.
I have seen my lord;
He has not cast me away.

3 汝墳:
魴魚赬尾、王室如燬 。
雖則如燬、父母孔邇 。
Ru Fen:
The bream is showing its tail all red;
The royal House is like a blazing fire.
Though it be like a blazing fire,
Your parents are very near.

URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/ru-fen