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Scope: Book of Poetry Request type: Paragraph
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Total 3 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

詩經 - Book of Poetry

[Western Zhou (1046 BC - 771 BC)]
Books referencing 《詩經》 Library Resources
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[Also known as: 《詩》, "The Book of Odes"]

頌 - Odes of the temple and the altar

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《頌》 Library Resources

周頌 - Sacrificial odes of Zhou

Books referencing 《周頌》 Library Resources
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臣工之什 - Decade Of Chen Gong

Books referencing 《臣工之什》 Library Resources

載見 - Zai Jian

English translation: James Legge [?] Library Resources
1 載見:
Zai Jian:
They appeared before their sovereign king,
To seek from him the rules [they were to observe].
With their dargon-emblazoned banners, flying bright,
The bells on them and their front-boards tinkling,
And with the rings on the ends of the reins glittering,
Admirable was their majesty, and splendour.
He led them to appear before his father shrined on the left,
Where he discharged hisi filial duty, and presented his offerings; -
That he might have granted to him long life,
And ever preserve [his dignity].
Great and many are his blessings.
They are the brilliant and accomplished princes.
Who cheer him with his many sources of happiness,
Enabling him to perpetuate them in their brightness as pure blessing.

魯頌 - Praise-Odes Of Lu

Books referencing 《魯頌》 Library Resources

閟宮 - Bi Gong

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《閟宮》 Library Resources
3 閟宮:
Bi Gong:
Accordingly he appointed [our first] duke of Lu,
And made him marquis in the east,
Giving him the hills and rivers,
The lands and fields, and the attached States.
The [present] descendant of the duke of Zhou,
The son of duke Zhuang,
With dragon-emblazoned banner attends the sacrifices,
His six reins soft and pliant.
In spring and autumn he does not neglect [the sacrifices];
His offerings are all without error.
To the great and sovereign God,
And to his great ancestor Hou-ji,
He offers the victims, red and pure.
Then enjoy, they approve,
And bestow blessings in large number.
The duke of Zhou, and [your other] great ancestors,
Also bless you.

商頌 - Sacrificial Odes Of Shang

Books referencing 《商頌》 Library Resources

玄鳥 - Xuan Niao

English translation: James Legge [?] Library Resources
1 玄鳥:
Xuan Niao:
Heaven commissioned the swallow,
To descend and give birth to [the father of our] Shang.
[His descendants] dwelt in the land of Yin, and became great.
[Then] long ago God appointed the martial Tang,
To regulate the boundaries throughout the four quarters.
[In those] quarters he appointed the princes,
And grandly possessed the nine regions [of the kingdom].
The first sovereign of Shang,
Received the appointment without any element of instability in it,
And it is [now] held by the descendant of Wu-ding.
The descendant of Wu-ding,
Is a martial king, equal to every emergency.
Ten princes, [who came] with their dragon-emblazoned banners,
Bear the large dishes of millet.
The royal domain of a thousand li,
Is where the people rest;
But there commence the boundaries that reach to the four seas.
From the four seas they come [to out sacrifices];
They come in multitudes; -
Jing has the He for its outer border.
That Yin should have received the apppointment [of Heaven] was entirely right; -
[Its sovereign] sustains all its dignities.

Total 3 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.