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Confucianism -> Liji -> Wen Wang Shi Zi -> 3

文王武王:“?”King Wen said to Wu, 'What have you been dreaming?'
武王:“。”'I dreamt,' was the reply, 'that God gave me nine ling.'
文王:“?”And what do you think was the meaning?
武王:“西?”King Wu said, 'There are nine states in the west - may it not mean that you will yet bring them all under your happy sway?'
文王:“Wen said, 'That was not the meaning.
Anciently they called a year ling.
齿 The age is also called ling.
I am 100; and you are 90.
。” I give you three years.'
文王武王King Wen was 97 when he died, and king Wu was 93.

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