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Confucianism -> Liji -> Wen Wang Shi Zi -> 6

All the rules about sacrificial offerings and at the nourishing of the old begging them to speak (their wise counsels) and the conversation at general reunions,
were taught by the lower directors of Music in the eastern school.
The Grand director of Music taught how to brandish the shield and axe.
He also delivered the graduated rules relating to conversations and the charges about begging the old to speak.
The Grand perfecter (of Instruction) discussed all about (these matters) in the eastern school.
Whenever a pupil was sitting with the Grand completer (of Instruction),
there was required to be between them the width of three mats.
He might put questions to him;
and when he had finished, sit back on the mat near to the wall.
While the instructor had not finished all he had to say on any one point,
he did not ask about another.

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