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Confucianism -> Mengzi -> Wan Zhang II -> 11.3

天子'To the Son of Heaven there was allotted a territory of a thousand li square.
A Gong and a Hou had each a hundred li square.
A Bai had seventy li,
and a Zi and a Nan had each fifty li.
The assignments altogether were of four amounts.
Where the territory did not amount to fifty li,
天子 the chief could not have access himself to the Son of Heaven.
諸侯 His land was attached to some Hou-ship,
and was called a Fu Yong.
天子 The Chief ministers of the Son of Heaven received an amount of territory equal to that of a Hou;
a Great officer received as much as a Bai;
and a scholar of the first class as much as a Zi or a Nan.

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