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Confucianism -> The Analects -> Zi Lu -> 4

樊遲Fan Chi requested to be taught husbandry.
The Master said,
。」"I am not so good for that as an old husbandman."
He requested also to be taught gardening,
and was answered,
。」"I am not so good for that as an old gardener."
樊遲Fan Chi having gone out,
the Master said,
小人"A small man, indeed,
is Fan Xu!
If a superior man love propriety,
the people will not dare not to be reverent.
If he love righteousness,
the people will not dare not to submit to his example.
If he love good faith,
the people will not dare not to be sincere.
Now, when these things obtain,
the people from all quarters will come to him, bearing their children on their backs
?」- what need has he of a knowledge of husbandry?"

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