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Confucianism -> The Analects -> Wei Zi -> 6

長沮桀溺孔子使子路Chang Zu and Jie Ni were at work in the field together, when Confucius passed by them, and sent Zi Lu to inquire for the ford.
長沮:「輿?」Chang Zu said, "Who is he that holds the reins in the carriage there?"
子路:「孔丘。」Zi Lu told him, "It is Kong Qiu.
:「魯孔丘?」, "Is it not Kong Qiu of Lu?"
:「。」asked he.
:「。」"Yes," was the reply, to which the other rejoined, "He knows the ford."
桀溺桀溺:「?」Zi Lu then inquired of Jie Ni, who said to him, "Who are you, sir?"
:「仲由。」He answered, "I am Zhong You."
:「魯孔丘?」"Are you not the disciple of Kong Qiu of Lu?" asked the other.
:「。」"I am," replied he,
and then Jie Ni said to him,
天下"Disorder, like a swelling flood, spreads over the whole empire,
and who is he that will change its state for you?
Rather than follow one who merely withdraws from this one and that one,
?」 had you not better follow those who have withdrawn from the world altogether?"
With this he fell to covering up the seed, and proceeded with his work, without stopping.
子路 Zi Lu went and reported their remarks,
when the Master observed with a sigh,
"It is impossible to associate with birds and beasts, as if they were the same with us.
If I associate not with these people - with mankind - with whom shall I associate?
天下 If right principles prevailed through the empire,
。」 there would be no use for me to change its state."

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