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Confucianism -> Mengzi -> Gong Sun Chou I -> 3

孟子Mencius said,
'He who, using force, makes a pretence to benevolence is the leader of the princes.
A leader of the princes requires a large kingdom.
He who, using virtue, practises benevolence is the sovereign of the kingdom.
To become the sovereign of the kingdom, a prince need not wait for a large kingdom.
Tang did it with only seventy li,
文王 and king Wen with only a hundred.
When one by force subdues men,
they do not submit to him in heart.
They submit, because their strength is not adequate to resist.
When one subdues men by virtue,
in their hearts' core they are pleased, and sincerely submit,
孔子 as was the case with the seventy disciples in their submission to Confucius.
What is said in the Book of Poetry,
西"From the west, from the east,
From the south, from the north,
。』 There was not one who thought of refusing submission,"
。」 is an illustration of this.'

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