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Confucianism -> Mengzi -> Wan Zhang II -> 10.1

孟子Mencius said,
伯夷 'Bo Yi would not allow his eyes to look on a bad sight,
nor his ears to listen to a bad sound.
He would not serve a prince whom he did not approve,
使 nor command a people whom he did not esteem.
In a time of good government he took office,
退 and on the occurrence of confusion he retired.
He could not bear to dwell either in a court from which a lawless government emanated, or among lawless people.
He considered his being in the same place with a villager, as if he were to sit amid mud and coals with his court robes and court cap.
天下In the time of Zhou he dwelt on the shores of the North sea, waiting the purification of the kingdom.
伯夷Therefore when men now hear the character of Bo Yi, the corrupt become pure, and the weak acquire determination.

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