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Ancient Classics -> Shang Shu -> Zhou Shu -> Successful Completion of the War -> 2.1

The king spoke to the following effect:
ye host of princes,
the first of our kings founded his state, and commenced (the enlargement of) its territory.
Gong Liu, was able to consolidate the services of his predecessor.
But it was the king Tai who laid the foundations of the royal inheritance.
The king Ji was diligent for the royal House;
文王and my deceased father, king Wen, completed his merit,
and grandly received the appointment of Heaven,
to soothe the regions of our great land.
The great states feared his strength;
怀 the small states thought fondly of his virtue.
In nine years, however,
the whole kingdom was not united under his rule,
and it fell to me, the little child, to carry out his will.

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