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Confucianism -> Lunheng -> Daoxu -> 6

It is on record that the seventy-two sovereigns who ascended Mount Tai,
had troubled and toiled,
worrying themselves over the state of the empire.
Subsequently their efforts were crowned with success, and things settled,
so that universal peace reigned throughout the land.
天下When there was universal peace, the whole empire enjoyed harmony and tranquillity.
Then they ascended the Tai Shan, and performed the hill-sacrifices.
Now, the pursuit of Dao and the struggle for immortality
are different from the vexations of official life and business.
He whose thoughts all centre in Dao,
forgets worldly affairs,
because to trouble about them
would injure his nature.
They say that Yao looked dried up
and Shun withered.
Their hearts were sorrowful,
and their bodies feeble and care-worn.
使黄帝 If Huangdi brought about universal peace,
his appearance must have been similar to that of Yao and Shun.
Since Yao and Shun did not attain to Dao,
黄帝 it cannot be true that Huangdi rose to Heaven.
使黄帝 If Huangdi in his pursuit of Dao neglected all worldly affairs,
his mind would have been equanimous,
and his body fat and strong.
Then he would have been quite different from Yao and Shun,
and consequently his achievements could not have been the same.
In that case
天下the universe would not have enjoyed universal peace. Without the universal peace his sacrifice on the mountain would not have taken place.

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