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Daoism -> Zhuangzi -> Outer Chapters -> The Revolution of Heaven -> 6.2

孔子老聃From this interview with Lao Dan, Confucius returned home, and for three days did not speak.
:「老聃?」His disciples (then) asked him, saying, 'Master, you have seen Lao Dan; in what way might you admonish and correct him?'
孔子:「Confucius said, 'In him (I may say) that I have now seen the dragon.
The dragon coils itself up, and there is its body;
it unfolds itself and becomes the dragon complete.
It rides on the cloudy air, and is nourished by the Yin and Yang.
I kept my mouth open, and was unable to shut it
老聃!」 - how could I admonish and correct Lao Dan?'
子貢 Zi-gong said,
'So then, can (this) man indeed sit still as a representative of the dead, and then appear as the dragon?
Can his voice resound as thunder, when he is profoundly still?
Can he exhibit himself in his movements like heaven and earth?
May I, Ci, also get to see him?
孔子老聃Accordingly with a message from Confucius he went to see Lao Dan.

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