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Daoism -> Zhuangzi -> Outer Chapters -> The Tree on the Mountain -> 8.1

莊周As Zhuang Zhou was rambling in the park of Diao-ling
he saw a strange bird which came from the south.
Its wings were seven cubits in width,
and its eyes were large, an inch in circuit.
It touched the forehead of Zhou as it passed him, and lighted in a grove of chestnut trees.
莊周:「'What bird is this?' said he,
'with such great wings not to go on!
。」 and with such large eyes not to see me!'
He lifted up his skirts,
and hurried with his cross-bow, waiting for (an opportunity to shoot) it.
(Meanwhile) he saw a cicada, which had just alighted in a beautiful shady spot, and forgot its (care for its) body.
(Just then), a preying mantis raised its feelers, and pounced on the cicada,
in its eagerness for its prey, (also) forgetting (its care for) its body;
while the strange bird took advantage of its opportunity to secure them both,
in view of that gain forgetting its true (instinct of preservation).
莊周Zhuang Zhou with an emotion of pity, said,
so it is that things bring evil on one another,
。」 each of these creatures invited its own calamity.'
(With this) he put away his cross-bow, and was hurrying away back,
when the forester pursued him with terms of reproach.

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