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Daoism -> Zhuangzi -> Miscellaneous Chapters -> Xu Wu-gui -> 11.1

Zi-qi had eight sons.
Having arranged them before him,
he called Jiu-fang Yin, and said to him,
'Look at the physiognomy of my sons for me
?”- which will be the fortunate one?'
Yan said,
。” 'Kun is the fortunate one.'
Zi-qi looked startled, and joyfully said,
?” 'In what way?'
Yin replied,
。” 'Kun will share the meals of the ruler of a state to the end of his life.'
The father looked uneasy, burst into tears, and said,
!” 'What has my son done that he should come to such a fate?'
Yin replied,
'When one shares the meals of the ruler of a state,
blessings reach to all within the three branches of his kindred,
and how much more to his father and mother!
But you, Master, weep when you hear this
- you oppose (the idea of) such happiness.
It is the good fortune of your son,
。” and you count it his misfortune.'

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