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Daoism -> Zhuangzi -> Miscellaneous Chapters -> Ze-yang -> 1

Ze-yang having travelled to Chu, Yi Jie spoke of him to the king, and then, before the king had granted him an interview, (left him, and) returned home.
:“?”Ze-yang went to see Wang Guo, and said to him, 'Master, why do you not mention me to the king?'
Wang Guo replied,
。” 'I am not so good a person to do that as Gong-yue Xiu.'
:“?”What sort of man is he?
:“asked the other, and the reply was, 'In winter he spears turtles in the Jiang, and in summer he rests in shady places on the mountain.
:‘。’When passers-by ask him (what he is doing there), he says, "This is my abode."
Since Yi Jie was not able to induce the king to see you,
how much less should I,
who am not equal to him, be able to do so!
Yi Jie's character is this:
he has no (real) virtue, but he has knowledge.
If you do not freely yield yourself to him,
but employ him to carry on his spirit-like influence (with you),
you will certainly get upset and benighted in the region of riches and honours.
His help will not be of a Virtuous character,
but will go to make your virtue less
- it will be like heaping on clothes in spring as a protection against cold,
or bringing back the cold winds of winter as a protection against heat (in summer).
Now the king of Chu is of a domineering presence and stern.
あt44539え1195え60え10099791え He has no forgiveness for offenders,
but is merciless as a tiger.
It is only a man of subtle speech, or one of correct virtue,
who can bend him from his purpose.
圣人'But the sagely man,
使when he is left in obscurity, causes the members of his family to forget their poverty;
使and, when he gets forward to a position of influence, causes kings and dukes to forget their rank and emoluments, and transforms them to be humble.
With the inferior creatures,
he shares their pleasures, and they enjoy themselves the more;
with other men,
he rejoices in the fellowship of the Dao, and preserves it in himself.
Therefore though he may not speak, he gives them to drink of the harmony (of his spirit).
使Standing in association with them, he transforms them
till they become in their feeling towards him as sons with a father.
His wish is to return to the solitude of his own mind,
and this is the effect of his occasional intercourse with them.
So far-reaching is his influence on the minds of men;
。”and therefore I said to you. "Wait for Gong-yue Xi?."'

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