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Daoism -> Zhuangzi -> Inner Chapters -> The Adjustment of Controversies -> 5

There is no thing that is not "that",
and there is no thing that is not "this".
If I look at something from "that", I do not see it;
only if I look at it from knowing do I know it.
Hence it is said,
'That view comes from this;
and this view is a consequence of that:'
- which is the theory that that view and this (the opposite views) produce each the other.
Although it be so,
there is affirmed now life and now death;
now death and now life;
now the admissibility of a thing and now its inadmissibility;
now its inadmissibility and now its admissibility.
(The disputants) now affirm and now deny;
now deny and now affirm.
聖人 Therefore the sagely man does not pursue this method,
but views things in the light of (his) Heaven (-ly nature),
and hence forms his judgment of what is right.
This view is the same as that,
and that view is the same as this.
But that view involves both a right and a wrong;
and this view involves also a right and a wrong
- are there indeed the two views, that and this?
Or are there not the two views, that and this?
They have not found their point of correspondency
which is called the pivot of the Dao.
As soon as one finds this pivot, he stands in the centre of the ring (of thought),
where he can respond without end to the changing views;
without end to those affirming,
and without end to those denying.
Therefore I said,
」。 'There is nothing like the proper light (of the mind).'

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