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Daoism -> Zhuangzi -> Outer Chapters -> Perfect Enjoyment -> 1.2

天下What the world honours
is riches, dignities, lonevity, and being deemed able.
What it delights in
is rest for the body, rich flavours, fine garments, beautiful colours, and pleasant music.
What it looks down on
are poverty and mean condition, short life and being deemed feeble.
What men consider bitter experiences
are that their bodies do not get rest and ease,
that their mouths do not get food of rich flavour,
that their persons are not finely clothed,
that their eyes do not see beautiful colours,
and that their ears do not listen to pleasant music.
If they do not got these things,
they are very sorrowful, and go on to be troubled with fears.
Their thoughts are all about the body - are they not silly?

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