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Daoism -> Zhuangzi -> Miscellaneous Chapters -> Geng-sang Chu -> 4

南榮趎Nan-rong Chu hereupon took with him some rations,
and after seven days and seven nights arrived at the abode of Laozi,
who said to him,
?」 'Are you come from Chu's?'
南榮趎:「。」'I am,' was the reply.
:「?」And why, Sir, have you come with such a multitude of attendants?
南榮趎Nan-rong was frightened, and turned his head round to look behind him.
Laozi said,
?」 'Do you not understand my meaning?'
南榮趎 The other held his head down and was ashamed,
and then he lifted it up, and sighed, saying,
'I forgot at the moment what I should reply to your question,
。」 and in consequence I have lost what I wished to ask you.'
Laozi asked,
?」 'What do you mean?'
南榮趎 The other replied,
'If I have not wisdom,
men say that I am stupid,
while if I have it,
it occasions distress to myself.
If I have not benevolence, then (I am charged) with doing hurt to others,
while if I have it, I distress myself.
If I have not righteousness, I (am charged with) injuring others,
while if I have it, I distress myself.
How can I escape from these dilemmas?
These are the three perplexities that trouble me;
。」 and I wish at the suggestion of Chu to ask you about them.'
Laozi replied,
'A little time ago, when I saw you and looked right into your eyes,
I understood you,
and now your words confirm the judgment which I formed.
You look frightened and amazed. You have lost your parents,
竿 and are trying with a pole to find them at the (bottom of) the sea.
You have gone astray;
you are at your wit's end. You wish to recover your proper nature, and you know not what step to take first to find it.
!」 You are to be pitied!'

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