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Legalism -> Shang Jun Shu -> Calculation of Land -> 10.1

It is people's nature, when measuring, to take the longest part, when weighing, to take the heaviest, when adjusting the scales, to seek profit.
If an intelligent prince watches these three things diligently, order may be established in the country and the capacities of the people may be utilized.
If the state makes few demands from the people, then the people will make many evasions from those demands.
使使Direct the people at home to adhere to farming, and abroad to be concentrated in warfare.
聖人Therefore, a sage's way of administering a country
is to prohibit much, in order to limit the people's capacity,
and to rely on force in order to render trickeries powerless.
These two methods being used in combination, people within the borders will be single-minded;
being single-minded, they will farm;
farming, they will be simple
and being simple, they will dwell quietly and dislike going out.
聖人Therefore, a sage's way of ordering a country
is that the people's capital should be stored in the soil,
and that dangers should be run abroad by borrowing a temporary habitat.

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