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Mohism -> Mozi -> Book 1 -> Befriending the Learned -> 5

Among the five weapons
the sharpest will be broken first.
Among the five swords
the keenest will be first worn out.
The sweet wells become sooner dry
and the elegant trees are oftener felled.
The tortoises that are more responsive are oftener burned
and the snakes that show more magic power are more sacrificed.
1Thus, Bi Gan died of his uprightness;
孟賁 Meng Ben perished by his strength;
西施 Xi Shi paid with her life for her beauty;
and Wu Qi was torn alive for his achievement.
This shows that there are but few who excel other people and do not perish on account of it.
Hence the saying:
。」 Position of the supreme is hard to keep.

1. 干 : Originally read: "于". Corrected by 孫詒讓《墨子閒詁》

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