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Qing -> The Scholars -> In which an introductory story of a good scholar points the moral of the book -> 14

Zhai hurried down to the village
to Old Qin's house,
and sent for Wang Mian to step over.
Then he told him what his business was.
Wang Mian smiled and said,
“I must trouble you to inform the magistrate
that Wang Mian is only a peasant
。” and dare not accept such an invitation.”
The bailiff's face fell.
“When the magistrate invites,
who dare refuse?” he demanded.
“Especially as it was I who did you this favour!
If I hadn't recommended you,
how would His Honour know you could paint?
You ought by rights to be rewarding me!
Instead, after coming all this way,
I don't see so much as a cup of tea,
and you fob me off with excuses.
And why won't you go, pray?
?”Do you mean to say a county magistrate can't summon a common man? What am I to say to the magistrate when I get back?”

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