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Confucianism -> Liji -> Zengzi Wen -> 35.2

孔子:「!」Confucius said, 'Yes, certainly.'
:「?」And how will he sacrifice?
孔子:「子游' 'He will rear an altar in front of the (family-)grave, and there he will sacrifice at the different seasons. If the oldest son die, he will announce the event at the grave, and afterwards sacrifice in the house, calling himself, however, only by his name, and abstaining from the epithet "filial." This abstinence will cease after his death.' The disciples of Zi-you, in the case of sons by inferior wives sacrificing, held that this practice was in accordance with what was right.
Those of them who sacrifice now-a-days do not ground their practice on this principle of right;--they have no truthful ground for their sacrifices.

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