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Confucianism -> Liji -> Ji Tong -> 6

When the time came for offering a sacrifice,
君子 the man wisely gave himself to the work of purification.
That purification meant the production of uniformity (in all the thoughts);
-it was the giving uniformity to all that was not uniform, till a uniform direction of the thoughts was realised.
君子Hence a superior man, unless for a great occasion, and unless he were animated by a great reverence, did not attempt this purification.
While it was not attained, he did not take precautions against the influence of (outward) things,
nor did he cease from all (internal) desires.
But when he was about to attempt it,
he guarded against all things of an evil nature,
and suppressed all his desires,
His ears did not listen to music;
--as it is said in the Record,
”, 'People occupied with purification have no music,'
meaning that they did not venture to allow its dissipation of their minds.
He allowed no vain thoughts in his heart,
but kept them in a strict adherence to what was right.
He allowed no reckless movement of his hands or feet,
but kept them firmly in the way of propriety.
君子Thus the superior man, in his purification,
devotes himself to carrying to its utmost extent his refined and intelligent virtue.

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