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Confucianism -> Liji -> Ji Tong -> 10

At a sacrifice there were three things specially important.
Of the offerings
there was none more important than the libation;
of the music there was none more important than the singing in the hall. above;
宿》, of the pantomimic evolutions there was none more important than that representing (king) Wu's (army) on the night (before his battle).
Such was the practice of the Zhou dynasty.
All the three things
君子 were designed to increase the aim of the superior man by the use of these external representations.
退 Hence their movements in advancing and retreating were regulated by (the degree of) that aim.
If it were less intense, they were lighter;
if it were more intense, they were more vehement.
If the aim were less intense, and they sought to make the outward representation more vehement,
圣人 even a sage could not have accomplished this.
君子Therefore the superior man, in sacrificing,
exerted himself to the utmost
in order to give clear expression to these more important things.
He conducted everything according to the rules of ceremony,
thereby giving prominent exhibition to them,
and displaying them to the august personator
圣人- Such was the method of the sages.

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