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Mohism -> Mozi -> Book 2 -> Exaltation of the Virtuous III -> 3

天下王公大人To the contrary, in governing the empire the sage-kings of old enriched and honoured those who were not necessarily their relatives, the rich without merit, or the good-looking.
历山雷泽常阳At one time Shun cultivated land at Mt. Li, made pottery by the River, engaged in fishing in Lake Lei, and went peddling in Changyang.
服泽天子使天下天下Yao discovered him at Fuze, made him emperor, and handed him the government of the empire and the rule over the people.
伊尹 Yi Yin once took part in the bridal party of the daughter of the Prince of Xin,
使 and then was employed as a cook.
Tang discovered him and exalted him
to be High Duke,
使天下handing him the government of the empire
天下 and the rule over the people.
傅说Once Fu Yue lived in the District of Beihai
and built the prison walls.
His clothing was of coarse cloth and tied with ropes.
Wu Ding discovered him and exalted him
to be High Duke,
使天下handing him the government of the empire
天下 and the rule over the people.
Now, when Yao exalted Shun,
伊尹 Tang exalted Yi Yin,
傅说and Wu Ding exalted Fu Yue
was it because they were their relatives, the rich without merit, or the good-looking?
It was only because that by adopting their views,
carrying out their plans,
and following their ways,
Heaven on high would be blessed,
the spirits in the middle would be blessed,
and the people below would be blessed.
Therefore they were promoted and exalted.

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