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Mohism -> Mozi -> Book 7 -> Will of Heaven I -> 1

墨子:“天下君子Mozi said: The gentlemen of the world all understand only trifles but not things of importance.
How do we know?
We know this from one's conduct in the family.
If one should offend the patriarch of the family, there are still the homes of the neighbours in which to seek shelter.
Yet parents, brothers, and friends all keep on reminding one
to be obedient and careful.
For, how can one offend the patriarch and stay in the family?
Not only is this true about conduct in the family, but also in the state.
If one should offend the lord of the state
there are still the neighbouring states whither he may flee.
Yet parents, brothers, and friends all keep on reminding one
to be obedient and careful.
’!For, how can one offend the lord of the state and stay in it?
From these there are yet shelters to flee to,
yet there are such constant counsels.
Should there not be more counsels in a case from which there is nowhere to flee?
:‘?’As the saying goes: "Sinning in broad daylight, whither can one flee?"
Really there is nowhere to flee.
For, Heaven clearly discerns it even if it be in the woods, valleys, or solitary caves where there is no man.
But, contrary to our expectation, regarding Heaven, the gentlemen of the world
do not understand mutually to give counsel.
天下君子 This is how we know the gentlemen in the world understand only trifles and not things of importance.

1. 士 : Inserted. 孙诒让《墨子闲诂》
2. 之于 : Inserted. 孙诒让《墨子闲诂》

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