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Mohism -> Mozi -> Book 7 -> Will of Heaven I -> 3

Moreover, righteousness is the standard.
A standard is not to be given by the subordinates to the superior
but by the superior to the subordinates.
Therefore, while the common people should spare no pains at work
they may not make the standard at will.
There are the scholars to give them the standard.
While the scholars should spare no pains at work,
they may not make the standard at will.
There are the ministers and secretaries to give them the standard.
While the ministers and secretaries should spare no pains at work,
they may not make the standard at will.
諸侯 There are the high duke and feudal lords to give them the standard.
諸侯 While the high duke and the feudal lords should spare no pains at work,
they may not make the standard at will.
天子 There is the emperor to give them the standard.
天子 The emperor may not make the standard at will (either).
There is Heaven to give him the standard.
天子諸侯That the emperor gives the standard to the high dukes, to the feudal lords, to the scholars, and to the common people,
天下君子 the gentlemen in the world clearly understand.
天子 But that Heaven gives the standard to the emperor,
天下 the people do not know well.
Therefore the ancient sage-kings of the Three Dynasties, Yu, Tang, Wen, and Wu,
天子天下 desiring to make it clear to the people that Heaven gives the standard to the emperor,
fed oxen and sheep with grass,
and pigs and dogs with grain,
and cleanly prepared the cakes and wine
to do sacrifice to God on High and the spirits,
and invoked Heaven's blessing.
天下天子 But I have not yet heard of Heaven invoking the emperor for blessing.
天子 So I know Heaven gives the standard to the emperor.

1. 為粢 : Inserted. 孫詒讓《墨子閒詁》

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