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Mohism -> Mozi -> Book 9 -> Anti-Fatalism III -> 4

墨子And Mozi said:
天下君子In expounding a doctrine or elaborating a system the gentlemen of the world
should not do it just to exercise their voice and tongue
and practise their lips.
It must aim at being applied in the government of the country, the district, and the people.
王公大人退 Now the rulers go to court early and retire late,
hearing lawsuits and attending to government
and meting out justice for the whole day,
and dare not be negligent.
Why do they do this?
They think diligence will bring about order,
and negligence chaos;
diligence will produce safety,
and negligence danger.
Therefore they dare not be negligent.
The ministers and secretaries exhaust the energy in their limbs
and stretch the wisdom of their minds
within to look after the court
and without to collect taxes from passes, markets, and products from mountains, woods, ponds, and fields
to fill the treasury,
and dare not be negligent.
Why do they do this?
They think diligence will procure honour
and negligence dishonour;
diligence will procure glory
and negligence disgrace.
Therefore they dare not be negligent.
The farmers set out at daybreak and come back at dusk,
diligently sowing seeds and planting trees
to produce much soy beans and millet,
and dare not be negligent.
Why do they do this?
They think diligence will result in wealth,
and negligence in poverty;
diligence will produce plenty,
and negligence famine.
Therefore they dare not be negligent.
The women get up at dawn and retire in the night,
diligently weaving and spinning
縿to produce much silk, flax linen, and cloth,
and dare not be negligent.
Why do they do this?
They think diligence will produce wealth
and negligence poverty;
diligence will produce warmth
and negligence cold.
Therefore they dare not be negligent.
王公大人Now, if they should believe in fate and behave accordingly, the rulers would be negligent in hearing lawsuits and attending to government;
the ministers and secretaries would be negligent in attending to court;
the farmers would be negligent in sowing seeds and planting trees;
the women would be negligent in weaving and spinning.
王公大人天下When the rulers are negligent in hearing lawsuits and attending to government and the ministers and secretaries in attending to court, then I should think the world would be in chaos.
天下When the farmers are negligent in sowing seeds and planting trees and the women in weaving and spinning, then according to my opinion clothing and food for the world will be insufficient.
天下 As to the result of the application of the doctrine of fatalism to the government of the empire,
to worship Heaven and the spirits above with it
使 Heaven and the spirits will not be pleased,
and to nurture the people below with it
they will not be benefited
but will be demoralized and cannot be employed.
And, within, defence will not be strong,
and, without, attack will not be victorious.
And that for which the wicked kings of the Three Dynasties, Jie, Zhou, You, and Li, lost their country
and ruined their state
。” was just this (doctrine).
Therefore Mozi said: If the gentlemen of the world really desire to procure benefits for the world and destroy its calamities they cannot but vigorously refute the doctrine of fatalism.
For fatalism was an invention of the wicked kings
and the practice of miserable men.
It was not a doctrine of the magnanimous.
Therefore those who practise magnanimity and righteousness
。” must examine it and vigorously refute it.

1. 息 : Deleted. 孙诒让《墨子闲诂》
2. 以 : Inserted. 孙诒让《墨子闲诂》
3. 之 : Inserted.
4. ,不可不强非 : Inserted. 孙诒让《墨子闲诂》

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