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Mohism -> Mozi -> Book 9 -> Anti-Confucianism II -> 11

孔丘Once, Kong Qiu was in straits between Cai and Chen
having only vegetable soup without even rice to eat.
After ten days of this,
子路 Zi Lu cooked a pig for him.
孔丘Kong Qiu did not inquire whence the meat came, and ate.
Zi Lu robbed some one of his garment and exchanged it for wine.
孔丘Kong Qiu did not inquire whence the wine came, and drank.
哀公孔子 But when Lord Ai received Confucius,
Confucius would not sit on a mat that was not placed straight
and would not eat meat that was not cut properly.
子路Zi Lu went to him
and asked:
?」 "Why the reverse to what you did on the borders of Chen and Cai?
孔丘 Kong Qiu answered:
let me tell you.
Then, our goal was to keep alive. Now our goal is to behave righteously."
Now when hunger-stricken he was not scrupulous about the means of keeping alive,
and when satiated he acted hypocritically to appear refined.
What foolery, perversion, villainy, and pretension can be greater than this!

1. 生,今與女為苟 : Inserted. 孫詒讓《墨子閒詁》
2. 則 : Inserted. 孫詒讓《墨子閒詁》

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