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Mohism -> Mozi -> Book 12 -> Gong Meng -> 21

墨子Some of the pupils reported to Mozi
告子:‘。’ that Gaozi proclaimed Mozi to be teaching righteousness but doing wickedness,
。” and urged him to denounce Gaozi.
墨子 Mozi said:
That would not do.
To praise my teaching and blame my conduct
is yet better than indifference.
Suppose there is some one
who declares that Di is quite unmagnanimous,
that he reverences Heaven, worships spirits, and loves men
- this is yet better than indifference.
Now, Gaozi was quite discriminating in his statements.
He does not blame me for teaching magnanimity and righteousness.
So, blame from Gaozi
。” is yet better than indifference.

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