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Mohism -> Mozi -> Book 13 -> Lu's Question -> 5

墨子魯陽文君Mozi said to Prince Wen of Lu Yang:
If a lord had attacked the neighbouring states,
killed their people,
carried away their oxen and horses, grains and valuables,
a lord might yet record it on bamboos and silk
and engrave it on metal and stone
and write it up into maxims on the bell and the ting
to hand down to posterity, saying:
。』 "None possess so much as I."
Now, the unscrupulous common man
also attacks neighbouring homes,
kills their inmates,
and takes the dogs and hogs, food and clothing.
They would also like to record it on bamboos and silk
and write it up into maxims on the vessels and dishes
to hand down to posterity, saying:
。』 "None possesses so much as I."
?」 Is this permissible?
魯陽文君 Prince Wen of Lu Yang said:
"According to what you have said
天下then what the world takes for granted
。」 may not be right after all."

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