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Mohism -> Mozi -> Book 13 -> Lu's Question -> 14

墨子Mozi was visiting Wei Yue.
The latter asked:
君子 "Now that you have seen the gentlemen of the four quarters,
?」 what would you say is the most urgent enterprise?"
墨子 Mozi replied:
Upon entering a country
one should locate the need and work on that.
If the country is upset in confusion,
teach them with the (doctrines of) Exaltation of the Virtuous and Identification with the Superior.
If the country is in poverty,
teach them with Economy of Expenditures and Simplicity in Funeral.
If the country is indulging in music and wine,
teach them with Condemnation of Music and Anti-fatalism.
If the country is insolent and without propriety,
teach them to reverence Heaven and worship the spirits.
If the country is engaged in conquest and oppression,
teach them with Universal Love and Condemnation of Offensive War.
。」Hence we say, one should locate the need and work on that.

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