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Mohism -> Mozi -> Book 13 -> Lu's Question -> 19

墨子使勝綽項子牛Mozi sent Sheng Zhuo to serve Xiang Zi Niu.
項子牛 Xiang Zi Niu invaded Lu three times,
勝綽 and Sheng Zhuo was three times with him.
墨子Hearing of this, Mozi
使退sent Gao Sunzi to call him back, saying:
使I sent Zhuo there
in order to cure pride and regulate insolence.
祿Now, Zhuo draws a large salary and flatters his master.
His master invaded Lu three times
and he was with him every time.
This is like whipping a horse by its martingale.
I have heard
that to preach righteousness but do it not
。』 is intentional commitment of wrong.
It is not that Zhuo is ignorant.
祿。」 It is a case of victory of emolument over righteousness.

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