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Song-Ming -> Romance of the Three Kingdoms -> Cao Cao Appeals To The Powerful Lords; The Three Brothers Fight Against Lu Bu -> 10

孫堅使使西使使孫堅:「!」Sun Jian presently approached the Pass. He had four generals: Cheng Pu of Tuyin whose weapon was an iron-spined lance with snake-headed blade; Huang Gai of Lingling who wielded an iron whip; Han Dang of Lingzhi using a heavy saber; and Zu Mao of Wujun who fought with a pair of swords. Commander Sun Jian wore a helmet of fine silver wrapped round with a purple turban. He carried across his body his sword of ancient ingot iron and rode a dappled horse with flowing mane. Sun Jian advanced to the Pass and hailed the defenders, crying, "Helpers of a villain! Be quick to surrender!"

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