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Song-Ming -> Romance of the Three Kingdoms -> Liu Bei Meets A Recluse At Nanzhang; Shan Fu Sees A Noble Lord At Xinye -> 7

玄德:“?”玄德:“。”:“。”玄德:“。”玄德:“?”玄德:“。”:“。”玄德:“孙乾糜竺简雍赵云。”:“赵云孙乾糜竺。”Water Mirror asked him to enter; and when they were seated in their relative positions as host and guest, Liu Bei glanced round the room. Upon the bookshelves were piled books and manuscripts. The window opened upon an exquisite picture of pines and bamboos and a lute lay upon a stone couch. The room showed refinement in its last degree. "Whence come you, Illustrious Sir?" asked the host. "By chance I was passing this way and the lad pointed you out to me. So I came to bow in your honored presence. I cannot tell what pleasure it gives me." Water Mirror laughed, saying, "Why this mystery? Why must you conceal the truth? You have certainly just escaped from a grave danger." Then Liu Bei told the story of the banquet and the flight. "I knew it all from your appearance," said his host. "Your name has long been familiar, but whence comes it that, up to the present, you are only a homeless devil?" "I have suffered many a check during my life," said Liu Bei, "and through one of them am I here now." "It should not be so. But the reason is that you still lack the one person to aid you." "I am simple enough in myself, I know. But I have Sun Qian, Mi Zhu, and Jian Yong on the civil side, and for warriors I have Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Zhao Zilong. These are all most loyal helpers, and I depend upon them not a little."

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