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Song-Ming -> Romance of the Three Kingdoms -> Liu Bei Meets A Recluse At Nanzhang; Shan Fu Sees A Noble Lord At Xinye -> 11

玄德玄德:“?”:“。”玄德:“。”玄德:“!”玄德:“?”:“!”玄德:“访。”Liu Bei listened with great joy for he thought this visitor was certainly one of the two he was advised to look for. Liu Bei would have shown himself then and there, but he thought that would look strange. So he waited till daylight, when he sought out his host. "Who was it came last night?" said Liu Bei. "A friend of mine," was the reply. Liu Bei begged for an introduction. Water Mirror said, "He wants to find an enlightened master, and so he has gone elsewhere." When Liu Bei asked his name, his host only replied, "Good, good!" And when Liu Bei asked who they were who went by the names of Sleeping Dragon and Young Phoenix, he only elicited the same reply. Liu Bei then, bowing low before his host, begged him to leave the hills and help him to bring about the restoration of the ruling house to its prerogatives. But Water Mirror replied, "People of the hills and woods are unequal to such a task. However, there must be many far abler than I who will help you if you seek them."

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