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Song-Ming -> Romance of the Three Kingdoms -> Zhuge Liang Foresees The Huarong Valley Episode; Guan Yu Lifts His Saber To Release Cao Cao -> 18

雲長:「?」雲長:「。」:「曹操。」雲長:「顏良文醜?」:「大丈夫?」Cao Cao agreed to try. He rode out to the front, bowed low and said, "General, I trust you have enjoyed good health." "I had orders to await you, O Prime Minister," replied Guan Yu, bowing in return, "and I have been expecting you these many days." "You see before you one Cao Cao —-defeated and weak. I have reached a sad pass, and I trust you, O General, will not forget the kindness of former days." "Though indeed you were kind to me in those days, yet I slew your enemies for you and relieved the siege of Baima. As to the business of today, I cannot allow private feelings to outweigh public duty." "Do you remember my six generals, slain at the five passes? The noble person values righteousness. You are well versed in the histories and must recall the action of Yu Gong, the archer, when he released his master Zi Zhuo, for he determined not to use Zi Zhuo's teaching to kill Zi Zhuo."

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