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儒家 -> 孟子 -> 梁惠王下 -> 23.2

樂正子The officer Yue Zheng entered the court, and had an audience.
He said,
孟軻?」'Prince, why have you not gone to see Meng Ke?'
the duke said,
寡人 'One told me that,
孟子』,on the occasion of the scholar Meng's second mourning, his observances exceeded those of the former.
。」 It is on that account that I have not gone to see him.'
:「'How is this!' answered Yue Zheng. 'By what you call "exceeding," you mean, I suppose,
that, on the first occasion, he used the rites appropriate to a scholar,
and, on the second, those appropriate to a great officer;
that he first used three tripods,
?」 and afterwards five tripods.'
The duke said,
。」I refer to the greater excellence of the coffin, the shell, the grave-clothes, and the shroud.'
Yo-chAng said,
'That cannot be called "exceeding."
。」 That was the difference between being poor and being rich.'
