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經典文獻 -> 尚書 -> 周書 -> 酒誥 -> 9

I say to you,
Strenuously warn the worthy ministers of Yin, and (the princes) in the Hou, the Dian, the Nan, and the Wei domains;
and still more your friends, the great Recorder and the Recorder of the Interior, and all your worthy ministers, the heads of great Houses;
and still more those whom you serve, with whom you calmly discuss matters, and who carry out your measures;
and still more those who are, as it were, your mates;
your Minister of War who deals with the rebellious,
your Minister of Instruction who is like a protector to the people,
and your Minister of Works who settles the boundaries;
and above all,
。』 do you strictly keep yourself from drink.
