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道家 -> 莊子 -> 外篇 -> 秋水 -> 10.1

公孫龍魏牟Gong-sun Long asked Mou of Wei, saying,
'When I was young, I learned the teachings of the former kings;
and when I was grown up, I became proficient in the practice of benevolence and righteousness.
I brought together the views that agreed and disagreed;
I considered the questions about hardness and whiteness;
I set forth what was to be affirmed and what was not,
and what was allowable and what was not;
I studied painfully the various schools of thought,
and made myself master of the reasonings of all their masters.
I thought that I had reached a good understanding of every subject;
莊子 but now that I have heard the words of Zhuangzi,
they throw me into a flutter of surprise.
I do not know whether it be that I do not come up to him in the power of discussion,
or that my knowledge is not equal to his.
But now I do not feel able to open my mouth,
。」 and venture to ask you what course I should pursue.'
