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Not only does the record in this book prove it to be so.
the Lord Zhuang of Qi (794-731 B.C.) had two ministers, Wang Liguo and Zhong Lijiao,
who were engaged in a lawsuit. For three years no judgment could be reached.
The Lord of Qi thought of putting both of them to death, but was afraid to slay the innocent;
he thought of acquitting both of them
but was afraid to let loose the guilty.
使So he let them provide a lamb
and take oath on the altar of Qi.
The two men agreed to take the oath of blood.
𢵣 The throat of the lamb was cut and its blood sprinkled on the altar.
王里國 The case of Wang Liguo was read all through.
中里徼 But before half of the case of Zhong Lijiao was read,
the lamb arose and butted at him,
broke his leg
and prostrated him on it.
At the time
those people who were present all saw it
and those far away heard of it.
It was recorded in the Spring and Autumn of Qi.
諸侯 The feudal lords circulated the news around and remarked:
"So speedy and severe
is the punishment from spirits and ghosts to him
。』 that takes an oath in insincerity!"
Judging from the record in this book,
?」 how can we doubt that spirits and ghosts exist?

1. 臣 : 舊脫。 孫詒讓《墨子閒詁》
