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道家 -> 莊子 -> 外篇 -> 知北遊 -> 1.3

黃帝Knowledge said to Huang-Di,
'I asked Dumb Inaction,
and he did not answer me.
Not only did he not answer me,
but he did not know how to answer me.
I asked Heedless Blurter,
and while he wanted to tell me, he yet did not do so.
Not only did he not tell me,
but while he wanted to tell me, he forgot all about my questions.
Now I have asked you,
and you knew (all about them)
?」- why (do you say that) you are not near doing so?'
黃帝 Huang-Di replied,
'Dumb Inaction was truly right,
because he did not know the thing.
Heedless Blurter was nearly right,
because he forgot it.
I and you are not nearly right,
。」 because we know it.'
